Till now we have heard only of iPhone and iPhone Touch Phones, but it seems something new is also coming. iPhone Nano, that's what it is called according to the latest rumors that are going around before this year's Macworld Expo.
The story behind this latest rumor is the listing of ‘iPhone Nano’ silicon cases by a company called XSKN on its website. This company even listed the cases for the iPhone 3G and iPod Nano in advance of the announcement by Apple.

Some reliable sources even claims that some people even managed to see the iPhone Nano. So, now the big question which remains is when this will be launched? The Macworld Expo is due next month but since Steve Jobs won't be giving the keynote, that seems unlikely. It's possible that iPhone Nano might be unveiled in a separate event organised by Apple, the way recent product were unveiled.
Let's wait and see!!. In case, you have any news regarding this iPhone Nano, do share with us.
The story behind this latest rumor is the listing of ‘iPhone Nano’ silicon cases by a company called XSKN on its website. This company even listed the cases for the iPhone 3G and iPod Nano in advance of the announcement by Apple.

Some reliable sources even claims that some people even managed to see the iPhone Nano. So, now the big question which remains is when this will be launched? The Macworld Expo is due next month but since Steve Jobs won't be giving the keynote, that seems unlikely. It's possible that iPhone Nano might be unveiled in a separate event organised by Apple, the way recent product were unveiled.
Let's wait and see!!. In case, you have any news regarding this iPhone Nano, do share with us.
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