Google's popular email service Gmail, which has over 110 million users worldwide, went offline for more than two hours, affecting Cyber users throughout the world, especially in Europe and India. Apparently users accessing the web version of the email were experiencing problems, with the POP (Post Office Protocol) downloading and mobile access through iPhone and Google's own G1 it was working fine.
Google posted on its support page that, "We're aware of a problem with Gmail affecting a number of users. This problem occurred at approximately 1.30 a.m. Pacific Time. We're working hard to resolve this problem and will post updates as we have them. We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused,".
For this, a Galway man today filed a €47,000,000 lawsuit against Google for the outage to its Gmail service. Critics of the lawsuit have pointed out that Gmail is an entirely free service and as such people don’t really have any right to complain.
However, O’Toole’s lawyer, Dan O’Mahony, told us “Wherever there is the slightest injustice we shall be there. When the smallest offense is made, no matter how trivial or frivolous it seems to anyone with half a brain, we’ll be there to bleat and make sure that everyone knows we will not stand for it. They might call us pathetic, half-witted grudge-bearers with a transparent agenda but we don’t care”.
Experts say the chance of success for the lawsuit are slim but Google will be hoping to avoid such problems because Microsoft were ordered to pay over €2,750,000 to a Cavan man, who complained against Vista.

For this, a Galway man today filed a €47,000,000 lawsuit against Google for the outage to its Gmail service. Critics of the lawsuit have pointed out that Gmail is an entirely free service and as such people don’t really have any right to complain.
However, O’Toole’s lawyer, Dan O’Mahony, told us “Wherever there is the slightest injustice we shall be there. When the smallest offense is made, no matter how trivial or frivolous it seems to anyone with half a brain, we’ll be there to bleat and make sure that everyone knows we will not stand for it. They might call us pathetic, half-witted grudge-bearers with a transparent agenda but we don’t care”.
Experts say the chance of success for the lawsuit are slim but Google will be hoping to avoid such problems because Microsoft were ordered to pay over €2,750,000 to a Cavan man, who complained against Vista.
gagay, MD
Yea, why doesn't he just pay for an e-mail account then? Loser.