Google's Street View Car Hits a Young Deer

Posted by Prem Godara | 1/31/2009 10:15:00 PM | , , | 0 comments »

Google Maps has always provided us with countless hours of entertainment and informative images. But this time it is a sad thing to notice that the Google Maps van hit a young deer. This whole incident went instantly to Street View. In New York, a street view car hit a baby deer on Five Points Road and then recorded the whole thing on Google Maps. Nobody noticed until, a person prompting a blog noticed that and then a sequence of five street-level pictures was been removed from the site.

Google replied: "The driver was understandably upset, and promptly stopped to alert the local police and the Street View team at Google. The deer was able to move and had left the area by the time the police arrived. The police explained to our driver that, sadly, this was not an uncommon occurrence in the region - the New York State Department of Transportation estimates that 60,000-70,000 deer collisions happen per year in New York alone -- and no police report needed to be filed."

Generally spotting the street view car was not that very easy. Back in July, the street view car was spotted by many eagle-eyes techies, but Google seemed to want to preserve the mystique of the street view project by staying mum on its tour dates.

For more details visit here.


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